
Welcome to 2021! A Sure Election On Saturday, November 28, 2020, as I was reading my morning portion of the Holy Scriptures, amidst great uncertainty and increasing division in our country, the Lord highlighted a verse to me—a kiss—a sure word from His heart. I knew at once that the word was not only for

Peace: Shalom

Shalom to you, Beloved of Adonai, Peace: Shalom Now, more than ever, I am asking the Lord to show me what is on His heart for His Body, His Bride. He directed me to Psalm 85:8, the impetus for this month’s letter on shalom: “I will hear what God the LORD will speak, for He

The King

Dearly Beloved in Messiah, The King Is Coming! This newsletter, written in early October, due to the time necessary for proofing, printing, and mailing, reaches you after the election of November 3, 2020. My heart tells me that whichever candidate won, one half of our country will be unhappy, disappointed, or worse. There is no


Holiday Blessings in Messiah, Sukkot: Feast of Clouds The Feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles (Oct. 2-10, 2020) was regarded in ancient Israel as the most important festival of the year. It is called Z’man Simchateinu (Zeh-MAHN SIMkhaTEY-new), the Season of our Rejoicing, since there is a triple command to rejoice on Sukkot in the Torah

Tashlich and Seashells

Beloved Redeemed of the Lord, Into the Depths of the Sea Sin. It is recognized universally throughout the Jewish world during the High Holy Days that begin this year on Friday evening, September 18, 2020. Jews of every persuasion are confronted with uncomfortable verses such as Isaiah 64:6, “But we are all like an unclean


Dear Beloved in Messiah, Focus on JOY As I awoke today, the State of Florida seems to be in a state of panic, with 15,300 new cases of coronavirus added yesterday. God assures me that there is no panic in heaven because He is still ruling the universe. God has not abdicated His throne. He

Unity in the Body of Messiah

Dear Mishpachah (Family), Stop. Look. Listen. God has used COVID-19 to make me do all three. Forced isolation stopped me from my typical fast-paced lifestyle. I felt as if I was in “time out.” It reminded me of the day many years ago when I was teaching kindergarten and my students had misbehaved. The consequence

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