Dear Mishpochah in Yeshua, REST Is there a person on this planet who does not enjoy a little rest? I doubt it. Rest for mankind has been in the heart of God since creation. That is why He ordained that one day of seven would be a shabbat, שבת (shah-BAHT) Hebrew for rest. God created

Our Awesome God

Passover Blessings in Yeshua, God’s Perfect Lamb, Our Awesome God This year, in thinking about Passover—Pesach, פסח PAY-sahkh in Hebrew—one thought kept captivating my heart and mind: the Awesomeness of our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The word awesome, nora נורא) no-RAH) in Hebrew, occurs in 38 verses in the NKJV of

Honor to Whom Honor is Due

Dearly Beloved in Yeshua, From Mourning to Joy The Jewish feast of Purim comes early this year, but in 2019 it was at the end of March. While the ladies of Temple Aron HaKodesh were celebrating their annual Esther banquet—with the theme of “Heaven” or “The Father’s House” (HaBayit Shel Abba, הבית של אבא (ha-BAHYEET

New Year of the Trees

Dear “Trees of Righteousness,” New Year of the Trees There is a minor holiday on the Jewish calendar that is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the month Shevat called Tu B’Shevat. This year, the holiday falls on February 6, 2023. It is also known as the “Rosh HaShanah of the Trees” and is one

ADAM, Where are You?

Welcome to 2023 in Yeshua’s Name! ADAM, Where are You? We read these words in the first book of the Torah in Genesis 3:9. God is speaking. Adam and his wife were hiding from the presence of the LORD God because they had sinned and disobeyed Him. God knew where Adam and Eve were, but

All About Oil

Dear Beloved in Yeshua, All About Oil In Israel this month: “The unripe green olives have turned purple and then black, and are now— just in time for Hanukkah—bursting with their precious oil. You can take a ripe olive in your hand, squeeze it gently—at a safe distance from your friends—and the oil will come

Giving Thanks

Dear Friends in Yeshua, Giving Thanks By the time you receive this newsletter, the midterm results of November 8, 2022, will be in. Some of us will be rejoicing at the results while others may be disappointed, distressed, or even worse. But God. He is not moved by election results. He has not lost control.

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