God’s Calendar – September 2002

Blessings in the Feasts of the Lord! God’s Calendar God was the first one to establish a calendar. The two great lights that He made “to rule the day and the night” (sun and moon, [biblegateway passage=”Genesis 1:16″ display=”Genesis 1:16″]) had an additional purpose: to be “for signs and seasons, and for days and years” (vs.


Dear Mishpochah in Messiah, Elul: It is time to awake! Elul is the last month on the traditional Jewish calendar. This year it begins on the evening of August 8. Elul is a special month, a month of preparation for the fall High Holidays. Elul will probably be the month preceding the return of our Messiah Yeshua,


Dear Partners in Covenant, Covenant Defined A covenant is a solemn, binding agreement entered into by two parties. The Hebrew word for covenant is b’rit (b’reet) which literally means “cutting,” and implies making an incision until blood flows. A covenant is the most sacred of all binding contracts. Marriage is an example of a covenant. When a man


Shalom in Yeshua, the Sar Shalom! All Eyes on Iraq As we write this letter during the month of April, the eyes of the world are focused on Iraq, the site of ancient Babylon, the home of a revived Haman spirit of genocide that defies logical explanation. The entire world is able to SEE WAR because of


Greetings in Messiah Yeshua! Evangelism: NOW! Yeshua said in John 9:4, “I must work the works of Him who sent me, while it is day; the night is coming, when no one can work.” There is much work to do in the harvest field. The harvest is ripe, especially the Jewish harvest. We praise the Lord for

Blood Sacrifice

April 2001 Passover 2001 (Pesach 5761) begins April 7 at twilight. And the Feast of Unleavened Bread continues for the next 7 days. Warm Greetings in the Lamb! BLOOD SACRIFICES IN JUDAISM Following the exodus from Egypt, God instituted a sacrificial system through which He would establish relationships with His people. Offerings by fire were made

Deliverance from Cancer

Dear Precious Friends in Yeshua, January 23, 2001: A Day of Victory There’s no way to adequately thank all of you who so diligently prayed and even fasted on January 23, 2001, the day Neil and our dear friend, Barry, had major surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Md. Your prayers availed much! We felt your

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