Gas Pump Blues

It seems that each time we fill our gas tank we are paying more than we did the last time. If you are like me, you are probably wondering; WHY?   My good friend Gunther Karger is an economic analyst whose opinions I highly respect. Below are some excerpts from an email I received from

Mary was killed

Just received this update on the woman who was killed in this week’s bus bombing in Jerusalem. Dear Neil and Jamie, When I sent out the last news/prayer alert after the bus bombing in Jerusalem on March 23rd all that was known about  ‘Mary’ (the only person who was killed) was that she was a

“My heart is in the wall.”

I was a young believer. I had only known Yeshua for a little over a year when I was led to invest in silver. I purchased two $1,000 bags of silver coins and hid them in a hole I cut out in the wall behind our washing machine. It was early in 1976 and the

Being A God Magnet

I(Jamie) was a bit exhausted after the Esther Tea at our home, but I pushed myself yesterday to go to Curves to exercise anyway. I explained to her that it was Yeshua’s joy, the joy He said would be in His followers, the joy He said would be “full”. Then she said, “I see Him

Bride of Messiah

Blessings in the Beloved! Messiah’s Beautiful Bride September 2011 is a crucial month for both our nation and the nation of Israel. We sense the fate of the USA hanging in the balance, as our leaders back an ungodly agenda to divide God’s Land. Nevertheless, we hear the Lord saying, “…whatever things are true, whatever things are

The Ninth of Av

Blessings in the Messiah Yeshua, The Temple Destroyed Our eldest son Jonathan broke a glass under his foot last month as he stood beneath a huppah, taking Nancy to be his wife. This Jewish tradition has several explanations, but the most common one is that the breaking of the glass represents an expression of sorrow


Bless the Lord. Receive God’s blessings. Bless others. Blessings In Messiah! B’rakhot: Blessings The Lord is leading us to focus this month on a foundational aspect of Judaism: blessings,b’rakhot in Hebrew (pronounced brah-COAT). While the confines of this newsletter do not allowus to give an in-depth treatment, we want to share some of the most

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