I don’t know about you, but I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with a thought from God that just won’t go away. I usually try to tell God that I will write it down in the morning. I got away with that several times, but when morning came, I couldn’t remember

“Son of Hamas” a phoney?

Last weekend Walid Shoebat spoke at our Messianic congregation. He was was extremely pro-Israel. In the article shown below from the Israel National News, Walid accuses Mosab Hasan Yousef, who is known as  “Son of Hamas” in the media, of being a double agent who speaks one message in English and the opposite in Arabic.


As Israel celebrates 63 years of being an independent state, it turns out that it is an export superpower. According to figures published on Tuesday by the Israel Export Institute and presented by the Globes financial news paper, since its establishment in 1948 Israel has multiplied the volume of goods it exports to the world

Happy Birthday Israel!

One hundred years ago almost ALL Bible scholars said that God’s prophetic words concerning drawing His Covenant people back to the land of Israel were about the return from Babylon and could never occur again. God was “through with Israel” was the then current theology. How wrong they all were. The same God who brought us

What’s an electronic nose?

The last part of God’s covenantal promise to Abraham was: “And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:3). The most important part of that blessing was of course “The Lamb of God’ who died to pay the price that my sins demanded. The blessing has also been manifested through

Leaven out, Healing in…

What is leaven? In simplest terms it is YEAST. It is a living microorganism that multiplies rapidly in the presence of warmth and moisture. It is the organism that causes bread to rise. In Exodus chapter 12 we are warned about having leaven in our homes seven times during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Why?
After many experiments, Jamie has perfected her Matzah Fruit Kugel recipe. In my opinion, it is the best Passover dish I have ever tasted. Well, Ok, the second best. Her chocolate-chip meringue cookies ARE the best. But this recipe is mighty close. Please try it while it is still Passover. TRY IT SOON.

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