Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow

Jamie prayed for Tim Tebow during every game during his Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years.  She asked me to buy this book for her and she finished reading it in a few days.  I am really enjoying it now, and wanted to share the following excerpt with you. It is about the 2008 Florida Gator

The Bible in Our Backyard – Part2

by Jamie Lash Our biblical plants are happy this morning, as they bask in the summer sunshine – especially our GRAPEVINE. There are more than seventy references to the “fruitful vine” and grapes in the Holy Scriptures. The men who were sent to spy out the Land promised by God to His People Israel, returned

The Bible in Our Backyard

by Jamie Lash Our biblical plants are flourishing in our backyard garden here in sunny Fort Lauderdale – especially our POMEGRANATE. This fruit, which grows in abundance in the land of the Bible – Israel – is mentioned numerous times in the Holy Scriptures. God promised the Children of Israel “A land of wheat, and
by Jamie Lash The God of Israel determined to bless our son’s marriage from the time he was born. One of our friends (we’re not sure who it is) sent us a five page colorful “Life long Blessing for Jonathan Isaac Lash” when Jonathan was born.  We would like to quote from a small section:

Todah Rabah!

Many thanks to all who helped me celebrate my 75th birthday last Friday. Especially all of the Jewish Jewels partners who sent regards, donations, chocolate, and other gifts.  I am blessed to be part of such a loving and caring family. We all knew that the 25th was silver, the 50th was gold, but now

Who killed RFK?

It is clear that the existence of the modern state of Israeli is clearly a miracle to the Jews, and a disaster to the Arabs. If one judges by the “facts” there is no way that an under-armed and untrained handful of Jews could have defeated the armies of six or more nations without the

“A voice in the wilderness…”

I have been trying to collect my thoughts about President Obama’s infamous speech calling for Israel to return to its pre-1967 borders, and to Netanyahu’s response to AIPAC and to the joint session of Congress. While in the process, a friend forwarded the following blog by Pamela Geller to me which put it so well,

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