
Dearly Beloved in Yeshua, Marriage in the Mind of God When the month of February comes each year, the thoughts of most people turn to love and romance, especially in our secular, post-Judeo-Christian society. Our thoughts, and we sense, God’s thoughts, turn to marriage. This has led us to study and re-think marriage from a
Once the world considered the daily attacks on Jews in Israel as “acceptable,” Muslim extremists began to attack Jews all over the world. When there was no great outcry about that, they began to attack Christians in Muslim dominated countries. I am posting a summary of attacks that took place a couple of SUMMERS ago!
“While looting often becomes an issue post-disaster, it’s been the exact opposite in Japan. Since the March earthquake and tsunami that leveled much of Japan, thousands of wallets containing a total of $48 million in cash have washed ashore — and been turned in, ABC reports. In addition, 5,700 safes containing $30 million in cash
Early in September, the General Assembly of the United Nations will probably vote into existence an imaginary country which it will probably call Palestine. As Steven J. Rosen of the Middle East Forum said in his insightful article published on August 3, 2011: “Instead of recognizing either of the two state-like entities that already exist,

Tisha B’Av… the Ninth day of Av

The fast of Tisha B’Av begins tonight. On this date, both the first and second Temples were destroyed. The First, according to the prophets, for idol worship and injustice, the Second, according to the Rabbis, for “baseless hatred” of Jews against other Jews. As you watch the presentation at the link below, think about the
Daniel Gruber is a dedicated researcher, a gifted writer, and a long time friend. As the culmination of over twenty years of research, he has just published a new covenant translation titled The Messianic Writings. Maybe you are asking yourself: Why another translation? Daniel explains in the introduction: “There are two basic approaches to translation.

How Did We Get Here?

As many of you know, I find much of my information about BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW in the writings of Charles Colson as posted daily on Today’s post discussed the National Debt Debacle that has paralyzed congress and the President. I have personally compared the situation to a family that has maxed out all its credit

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