Holy, Holy, Holy

There are three Feasts of the Lord (appointed times or moedim: mow-eh-DEEM) that occur each fall season during the Hebrew month of Tishrei. This is the seventh, or holiest, month of the Biblical Jewish calendar year, usually falling in September and October. This year, 2013, all three feasts occur in the same Gregorian calendar month—our month of September.

Bridal Preparations

Dear Bride of Messiah, Pursue Love… The Lord is calling Yeshua’s bride to pursue love this month. In Scripture, this exhortation immediately follows the final verse of 1 Corinthians 13: “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three: but the greatest of these is love.” Chapter fourteen begins with the words, “Pursue love, and desire

Adam, Where Are You?

  Dear Jewish Jewels Mishpochah, Created in God’s Image The Bible begins with the phrase, “Beresheet bara elohim et ha-shamayim v’et ha-aretz,” which in English is: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The following twenty-four verses tell us that God created light, the earth and seas, all the plants and trees,


When the end time harvest comes, will you have a fruit offering to present to Yeshua?

Biblical Grammar

Dearly Beloved in Yeshua, Gospel Grammar The Lord is speaking to us this month about some unusual but important details in the Holy Scriptures that are often overlooked or misunderstood. One of these details involves a little comma in the New Covenant that has spurned untold anti-Semitic attitudes and acts over the centuries. Another detail is a part
As all Israel waits for the fall rains to begin, a sign of God’s blessing and gracious provision, we plan to bring showers of another kind to God’s land – spiritual and material blessings from Lovers of Zion.


Dearly Mishpochah in Messiah, The Power of Brokenness This month’s newsletter was prompted by the Ruach HaKodesh and the writings of one of our favorite Messianic Jewish teachers, Jonathan Cahn, of the Jerusalem Center/Beth Israel in Wayne, New Jersey. As Jamie read a brief devotional in Jonathan’s January edition of “Sapphires” entitled “The Power of the Broken,” the

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