Covenant Remembered

Every year at this time our hearts focus on the Passover, a joyous celebration of our physical and spiritual deliverance. We lift up Messiah, our Passover, who was sacrificed for us, fulfilling prophecies such as Isaiah 53, which speak of a lamb that would be slain for the forgiveness of sin. This year, we want

Anti-Semitism: The Root

Anti-Semitism is generally described as hostility or prejudice against Jews. But it is much more than that. Anti-Semitism is an insidious, irrational, supernatural hatred. Its source is demonic. Its father is haSatan, Satan, the arch-enemy of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Anti-Semitism exists in all cultures, countries and times. It even exists in


Love in the Old Covenant Dr. Louis Goldberg, in God, Torah, Messiah, explains that the doctrine of the love of God is the same in the Tanach as in the New Covenant. There are those who think, erroneously, that the God of the Tanach is a stern, unforgiving God, while the God of the New

Biblical Standards

Welcome to 2014 in Yeshua’s Name! The Standard Every January we ask the Lord for His direction for the coming year. He made it clear to us that our emphasis for 2014 should be His Standard: The Word of God. A standard is a rallying point. It may be a flag or a banner that
December 2013  Thank you Jewish Jewels Family for the $96,600 in donations and Love Baskets that went to Israel this year! Shalom Shalom in the Prince of Peace! Geshem B’rakhot: Showers of Blessing As all Israel awaited the fall rains to begin, a sign of God’s blessing and gracious provision, our 2013 Jewish Jewels Mercy
November 2013 “O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.” (Ps. 30:12) Dear Mishpocha, Thanksgiving / Hanukkah 2013! Something very unusual will occur this year as Jews in America celebrate Thanksgiving. Their mashed potatoes will be replaced by potato latkes (pancakes), a traditional Hanukkah treat. Why? For the first time ever, the

Jewels From My Journey

Please pray for the Mercy Mission 2013 as we journey to Israel this month. Dear Fellow Journeymen, Jewels From My Journey My name is Neil Abraham Lash. I am writing this on September 2, 2013. It is my fortieth “Born-Again” birthday. Forty years ago on this date I prayed and asked Yeshua to forgive my sins and become Lord

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