Give Thanks – November 2014

Dear Mishpocha (Family) in Yeshua, Five Smooth Stones In 1 Samuel 17:40-49 we read about a young David, the shepherd boy, who defeated Goliath, the giant enemy of Israel, with one of five smooth stones. The stones were David’s weapon of choice—an unlikely weapon—as contrasted with Goliath’s sword, spear, and javelin. Nevertheless, the stone proved to be a


Hag Sameach B’shem Yeshua, (Joyous Feast in the name of Yeshua) One in the Messiah The final of the Fall Feasts of the Lord, Sukkot (sue-COAT), or the Feast of Tabernacles of Booths, takes place from October 8, 2014 PM, until October 15, 2014 PM, ending with Simcha Torah, the Feast of Rejoicing in the Law. Sukkot

A Month of Drawing Close

The traditional month of preparation for the Fall Feasts of the Lord is called Elul, an acronym for Ani l’dodi v’dodi li — “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine” (Song of Songs 6:3). Elul began on Aug. 26, 2014 and will end at sunset on Sept. 24. It is a month for preparing the

Of Sheep and Shepherds

Shalom Flock of the Lord! Moses was a shepherd (roi—ro-EE in Hebrew), tending the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, on the back side of the desert, when God appeared to him in a burning bush. His shepherd’s rod became a supernatural tool of deliverance as the Lord anointed it for the purpose of showing the

Freedom: Gift of God

Freedom. Free. Liberty. Prison. Prisoner. Slaves. This month we felt led to research every reference in the Bible to these important words. Our challenge is to condense our findings! Our main conclusion: Freedom is a gift from a loving God. If we have it on the inside, we can endure great hardships on the outside. Freedom emanates from
Beginning on the evening of June 3, we will celebrate Shavuot, The Feast of Weeks, which is also known as Pentecost. We will be commemorating the “giving of the Law” at Mt. Sinai, and the “giving of the Spirit” on Mt. Zion. God directed the Israelites, “…seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count fifty days to

A Month of Memorials

While we observed and celebrated one very significant event during the month of April—the Passover—there are five days of remembrance on the Hebrew calendar during the month of May. If we include Mother’s Day, celebrated in the U.S. in May, we have six holidays this month. The first two holidays which are celebrated in Israel

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