Shavuot 2017

Shavuot In biblical times there were three harvest festivals in the Land of Israel. The first was the Omer festival during Passover, when the offering of barley flour was brought to the Temple. Seven weeks later came Shavuot (Pentecost), the festival of the firstfruits (“bikkurim,” pronounced bee-ku-REEM), when the wheat ripened. Finally, there was Sukkot (Tabernacles), the feast of

Love Came Down

Dear Beloved Ones in Yeshua,   A God Who Comes Down As we approach Shavuot, one of the three Shalosh Regalim (sha-LOASH reh-gah-LEEM), the Pilgrimage Festivals commanded by God in Exodus 34:23, one thought keeps resounding in our hearts and minds: We serve a God who comes down! He came down on Mount Sinai to

Passover 2017

Passover The first major appearance of the “lamb” is in the book of Shemot (Exodus) chapter 12, in the account of the first Passover. The “lamb” is the central figure in this redemption account. The Lord God instructed the Israelites to select “a lamb for a household” (Exodus 12:3). Very small households were instructed to
Shalom, B’Shem Yeshua (Peace in Yeshua’s Name),   Alternative Routes We recently read an article in The Shepherd’s Chapel about the alternate routes that the highways of life offer us. There are routes (ways) that lead to life, and routes (ways) that lead to death. We choose which routes to follow. God has given us

Purim 2017

COURAGE!  God consistently uses unlikely people to do heroic deeds and accomplish His purposes. Esther is one of these people. An exile. A Jew. A woman. An orphan. Among the weakest of society in the mighty Persian Empire. And yet, one of the most courageous! God saw something in Esther. He knew that she could

All Eyes on Jerusalem

“Next Year in Jerusalem” Shalom, B’Shem Yeshua (Peace in Yeshua’s Name), The biblical feast of Passover will be celebrated this year from the evening of Monday, April 10, 2017, (first Seder) to the evening of Tuesday, April 18, 2017. At the end of Passover Seders all over the world, Jewish people will recite the very

Hineni, Adonai

Shalom, Beloved in Yeshua, Avraham Avinu We entered 2017 with a report on our 2016 Mercy Mission to Israel. The timing of our trip was God-ordained, since we were able to bring love, comfort, and living water to Israel right before the fires of anti-Semitism, both natural (arson) and supernatural (UN Resolution 2334) were demonically kindled

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