God Loves…

Dearly Beloved of God, God Loves… For more than forty years, we have answered our home phone with the words, “God loves you.” Sometimes people say, “I must have the wrong number.” Sometimes they respond, “That’s really nice.” Once in a while, they hang up. Of the three words in “God loves you,” the last

Yeshua in the Old Covenant

Looking Unto Messiah in 2018   Multiplied Blessings in Yeshua, We have chosen, as our first verses of Scripture for the year 2018, Hebrews 12:1-2, “Therefore, since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also get rid of every weight and entangling sin. Let us run with endurance the race

Hanukkah 2017

Hanukkah God is Light. The entire Bible, from beginning to end, bears witness to this glorious truth. As the Apostle John (Yohanan) so beautifully expresses it, “…God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” (I John 1:5). The Hebrew word for light is ohr and is pronounced “or”. It is a primary


Dearly Beloved in Yeshua, Worship the King!   Our focus this month is a topic dear to the heart of God, inseparable from our love for God, and an integral part of our walk with God: Worship. Many things will be worshipped during the month of December: family, friends, traditions, food, movies, parties, and gifts.

Thanksgiving 2017

Thanksgiving We want to look at the root of the concept of “thanksgiving” in Hebrew. As it turns out, “thanksgiving” and “hand” go “hand in hand.” Here’s how: The Hebrew root for thanksgiving is ya-DAH . You’ll notice that the word for hand, yad, is found at the beginning of the word for thanksgiving. From a Hebraic


Dearly Beloved in Yeshua, All About Storms STORMS are the focus of this month’s letter. The Lord impressed us with the pervasive, abundant, frequent, and great variety of storms that are coming upon the earth. Natural storms called hurricanes. Natural floods. Spiritual floods of evil. Political storms. Sports-affiliated storms. Storms of violence. Firestorms. Even God-ordained

Sukkot 2017

Sukkot We are told in Psalm 92:12-15 that, “The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age. They shall be fresh and

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