Bearing Burdens

Hag Pesach Sameach (Joyous Passover Holiday), What Is On Your Shoulders? Each year, as we meditate afresh on the meaning of Passover, the Lord brings to our attention another aspect of the holiday that is on His heart. This year, He led us to focus on “shoulders” and “burdens.” Shoulders in the Holy Scriptures usually

Anti-Semitism and Purim

Dear Friends in Yeshua, Anti-Semitism and Purim The holiday of Purim is celebrated this year on March 21, 2019. Adolf Hitler knew about this Jewish holiday. He banned the observance of Purim and planned several Nazi attacks to coincide with Purim. In a speech given on January 30, 1944, the diabolical dictator declared that if

Love God / Love Your Neighbor

Blessings in the Beloved! ואהבת לרעך כמוך Love God / Love Your Neighbor For many years, we have written our February newsletter on LOVE, mainly because it is the month in our country when LOVE receives significant attention, especially around February 14. Whatever your opinion of Valentine’s Day may be, there is something good about


Blessings as we enter 2019, HOPE! We sought the Lord for a specific word for us as we enter a new calendar year. I (Jamie) felt that I had definitely heard the word HOPE in my spirit. Since I don’t like to repeat anything that we have written before, I always check past newsletters to make

The Divinity of Yeshua

Holiday Greetings in Messiah, The Divinity of Yeshua As we sought the Lord for this month’s newsletter topic, we kept hearing “Isaiah 9:6-7.” These verses, made popular by Handel’s Messiah, are a prophetic declaration in the Hebrew Scriptures of a Messiah who would be both human and divine, man and deity. “For to us a

Prayer as Priority

Holiday Greetings in Messiah, Prayer as Priority Prayer can happen anywhere, but personal prayer, the kind spoken of by the Messiah in Matthew 6:6, takes place in secret—alone with our Heavenly Father. This type of prayer is an intimate form of communication. It is a holy conversation, heart to heart connection. If God had a

Traveling with the Almighty


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